Saturday, January 3, 2009

Baby Zornes

I know this is super late, but I wanted to post the "new" ultrasound picture. We went to the doctor on December 1st at 15 weeks. We got 3 pictures taken, but this one was really the best one. The baby was being a little stinker this time. We couldn't get a very good shot of him/her. We still don't know what we are having either.

The baby is sucking his/her thumb :)

We go to the doctor again on Monday, January 5th. The baby will 20 weeks old, so we are hoping (fingers crossed) that we get to figure out if we are having a baby girl or baby boy. We don't really care what we have, we are just happy Heavenly Father blessed us with a little spirit, but it would be nice to know what we will be having. We'll let you know as soon as we know. :)
