Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy 4th of July

It might be late, but Happy Independence Day! Jake and I decided to be different this year, so we went to Park City for the holiday weekend. We rented a condo (which was very affordable and it even had a jetted tub!) and just relaxed the whole weekend.

We drove to Park City, which is about an 1 1/2 drive from Ogden. The great thing is that we get to go through Weber Canyon which is an amazing looking canyon. The natural formations of the canyon is awesome.

When we got to Park City, we wanted to be "different" so we tried out Thai food for the first time. It wasn't too bad and we had tons of left overs for the weekend. Once thing we learned though-in a nice restaurant expect to pay A LOT of money. We had a Buy One Get One Free Coupon and the total still came to $34.00, and that's without drinks. I don't know exactly what we bought, but our food budget was shot the first night.

The next morning (the 4th of July) we went to the outlet stores. Jake has never been there before so he was so excited to learn there was a golf store. He was expecting a Golf store-as in clubs, balls, shoes, etc. Come to find out, it's a golf store-as in clothes and hats. He was very disappointed, not to mention that the store didn't even sell his brand of clubs. The day was a pretty nice shopping spree for me. Jake ended up getting nothing while I got 2 lip glosses, a $4.00 shirt, and some awesome new running shoes. The outlet stores were also doing some 4th of July activities and we (or rather I) won a red purse and an American Idol shirt. Poor Jake!

After the shopping, we went to see the Olympic Park. We were planning on riding on the Alpine Slide but it's like $15.00 a ride. Umm, a little too much for us. We ended up just walking around and watching others do the activities. The cool thing we saw were some people training for the Freestyle Skiing. They would ski down a ramp and do flips in the air, landing into a swimming pool. Jake and I are convinced that we are going to save up and take a day class so we can try out Freestyle Skiing. Never know-we may be Olympic material :)

Later that night we went to a park and watched the fireworks. Jake was paranoid that we were going to be late so we left at like 8:30. We ended up waiting for 1 1/2 hours before the fireworks even began. The park was packed and some stupid kid wasn't being supervised while lighting the fireworks. I was convinced he was going to blow his hand off. Luckily, he survived and we enjoyed a very happy 4th of July.
