On Wednesday, May 13 at 4:04 am, our adorable baby boy was born weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long! We welcome Daniel Jones Zornes into the world.
He was 11 days early and we weren't really expecting him to come to us that soon, especially on our anniversary. We ended up getting a REALLY good anniversary gift.
On Monday, Jake and I went to the doctor and was told that I was finally dilated to a 2! He stripped my membranes and said he would see us next week. Well on Tuesday at school, I thought I had started leaking amniotic fluid. We had visited the hospital 2 weeks earlier for the same concern to only find out that I was peeing my pants. I was worried that the same thing was happening so I just waited until the end of the school before I went to the hospital. Jake and I got up there at about 5:00 and the nurse checked me out. The amniotic fluid test came back negative. i have to admit, I don't if I was ready for Daniel to come but I think I had psyched myself out the whole day planning on his arrival, the news that he wasn't coming was very upsetting. Not to mention how embarrassing it was going to be to go to the school the next day to tell people, again, that I was just peeing my pants. I think the nurse could tell I was bummed out so she told us to wait for about 20-30 minutes and she would check back with us again. Well 20 minutes came and the test was negative again. The nurse was concerned though because I was really wet. She went and got an OBGYN that was at the hospital to come and assess the situation and maybe shed some light on my "leaking." He came in and really couldn't explain it but he did say it seemed "suspicious." He was worried that if I went home and I really was leaking fluid, maybe a high tear, that I could risk getting an infection and it wouldn't be safe for Daniel. He suggested getting induced since I really wasn't that early and just make sure that Daniel came safely. The nurse said she would call my OBGYN and see what he said. While she was gone, Jake and I talked about our options. I guess we thought we had a choice in the matter so we called my mom and Jake's dad to get some feedback on the situation. I wasn't really worried about the labor part, I just wanted to do what was best for Daniel. 20 minutes later the nurse returned with a bag of Petocin and hooked me up. No choice! I have to admit--I was a little shocked. I had psyched myself out all day that he would come, learned that he wasn't. Then to all of a sudden be getting induced and knowing I was going to be an official Mommy in about 12 hours was all so surreal.
I got the Petocin started about 7:30 and was moved into the Labor and Deliver room. My parents came up about 1 1/2 hours later to join us. Nana, Bompa and Kim came about 9:30. The contractions started coming on really fast and really intense. They would come for about 45 seconds every minute and a half. I wasn't progressing much in the dilation area so I didn't want to get the epidural too soon to have it not last through the whole thing. I endured the pain until 10:00 and then got the epidural. Holy cow, can I just tell you how freakin' heaven sent those things are!? I couldn't feel anything after. I fell asleep for a few hours, woke up and had progressed to a 4. Fell asleep again and progressed to a 6! And by 2:00 am, I was a 10!! The nurse wanted me to push as little as possible, so we waited about an hour or so before I started pushing in hopes of having him as engaged as possible. At 3:30, the family cleared the room expect for Jacob and my mommy and I started pushing. Luckily my OBGYN arrived in time (I was so worried he wouldn't show up in time) and Daniel was born at 4:04 am on our anniversary day!
Being a mom is such a surreal experience. Looking at my little baby right after he came out was so unreal. I just stared at him because I could fathom that he was mine! I had waited 9 months to see him and here he was! He looks a lot like Jacob and even farts like him too :) I'm still waiting to see what traits he has of mine.
Thank you for everyone who has supported Jacob and I (and now Daniel) the last 9 1/2 months. Your love has been greatly appreciated. Thank you for being supportive after the deliver. I know I haven't been up to having any visitors or really talking to anyone, so I appreciate your understanding. I am hoping after Daniel and I tackle the nursing task and get back into the routine of things we will be able to have some vistors. :)
Enjoy the pictures. I know we sure do!