Hi there again! This is a truly amazing piece of history happening today! I usually only blog about my baby Daniel, the days of the ultrasound, but today I am adding in some extra "stuff." Of course it is about Daniel, but...
So I have been so freakin consumed with Daniel's baby room that I think I am beginning to make myself sick. Yes I know that he's not coming for 3 more months and that he doesn't even care what his room looks like, but I take such pride in my design schemes that I have been fretting about his room in my sleep. I just have all these ideas and I can't seem to put them into the motion...not to mention that I think Jake enjoys my stress because he has decided he won't start painting the room until mid-March or early-April! Ahh!
So yesteday I took a little trip to SLC to go shopping with my Mommy and my Aunt Sylvia to go fabric shopping. The whole ideas seems so normal, right? But if you knew us, we aren't seamstresses. I barely know how to sew a straight line (I am planning on embracing my sewing "skills" after the baby is born and I can take a sewing class)! So here I spend $40 in fabric that might just end up as a big pile of strings! I bought this adorable brown cow print fabric that is super super soft. Yes, this is probably yucky, but I think I am going to make myself a robe with this stuff and just lay around naked in it, it is that soft! Sylvia purchased a bunch of fabric as well and we just have no idea what we are supposed to do with it. Hah, there's for pregnancy hormones I guess :)
I'll update you on the finished project IF we get it finished! :) Wish my good luck!